VCT/Vinyl flooring requires regular maintenance to keep it looking clean and shiny. When floors no longer respond to routine maintenance, it’s time to do a complete strip and refinish of the floors.
Our New Hampshire commercial VCT/Vinyl floor cleaning service customers include:
- Offices & Office Buildings
- Retail Stores
- Municipal Buildings
- Museums
- Restaurants
Our VCT & Vinyl Floor Cleaning Service Process:
- First, floors are thoroughly dry-mopped;
- Old finish is then removed with a powerful floor stripping solution. Multiple applications of stripper are typically required before all the old dirt, grime and finish is completely removed.
- Floors then need to be completely rinsed with clean water to remove any residue. This ensures that the new finish will adhere properly to the floor.
- Once the floor has completely dried, we apply a coat of sealer which generally requires 30-40 minutes to dry.
- We then apply 4-5 coats of a commercial grade floor finish—waiting again 30-40 minutes between coats. Many companies use finish mop heads to apply the floor finish. We exclusively use lamb’s wool applicators. Although more expensive, lamb's wool insures a smooth and uniform application of the finish.